


除非另有命令,否则支持通过国家支付单位(SDU)支付。. 更多关于SDU的信息可以在 www.misdu.com. 当可持续发展单位收到支助时,充分确定应向谁支付支助, 它必须在收到后的两个工作日内转发给收件人. 支助通常通过收入扣缴支付. 不用邮寄现金吗. 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您法院之友办公室允许通过信用卡支付赡养费. 如果你用信用卡支付, 您必须拨打1-888-604-7888(免费电话), 24 hours) to access this service instead of charging the support at the 法庭之友 Office. 使用这种付款方式将从您的信用卡账户中收取5%的费用.

Persons who are entitled to receive support may have their checks deposited into their bank accounts by completing an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Application. 此表格可通过与IVR联系并在本网站的“表格”部分获得.



付款人现在可以在当地的7- 11便利店用现金支付子女抚养费, CVS药店和当地的家庭美元商店. You'll need your Social Security Number (SSN) or your taxpayer identification number (TIN) and your Docket Number to obtain a PayNearMe PayCode. 付款可能需要2-4个工作日才能发送到您的子女支持帐户. 请访问 misdu.com 了解更多信息.


Non-custodial parents are now able to pay their child support in cash at CVS Pharmacy and Walmart stores using the 速汇金 payment option. 此选项仅在CVS药房和沃尔玛商店提供, 不包括塔吉特或其他零售商店内的CVS药房, 或者在速汇金网上支付.com. Payers wishing to pay their support will need to complete the 速汇金 form and use the Michigan's Receive Code of 14689 available at secure.速汇金.或向付款地点的速汇金职员查询. 更多信息可以在MiSDU网站上找到.


付款窗口从 上午8:15到下午4:30. The only payments that may be made at the payment window are those that deal with enforcement fees and lump sum amounts or those clients who have been directed to pay at the payment window by a 法庭之友 employee. 所有其他款项必须通过密歇根州支付单位(MiSDU)支付。 


如果您对您的子女抚养费帐户有任何疑问,请致电 (989)790-5300 并连接到IVR(交互式语音应答系统). 接通IVR后,您可以转接到有MiSDU的客服代表. These representatives with the MiSDU will help in answering questions regarding disbursement of payments, 签发支票, 以及其他与账户相关的问题. You may also request that your payments be electronically deposited into your account if you are a payee. 以要求更改地址或名称, you must submit a request in writing along with documentation showing your address change or name change such as a driver's license or marriage certificate.


密歇根州的法律要求使用子女抚养费公式来确定子女抚养费的数额. A different amount may be used if the judge or referee states the amount required by the formula and a clear reason in writing or on the record why using the formula is "unjust or inappropriate.计算支撑的公式和指导性计算机程序可在 www.法院.密歇根.gov / scao.


Michigan law requires the 法庭之友 to charge the payer of support a fee for all support cases. 目前的费用是每年42美元(每年收取两次,费用为21美元).00). 


The 法庭之友 will begin enforcement action when past due support reaches an amount equal to 8 weeks of support. 这可以在不等待投诉或执行请求的情况下完成. 如果你认为你的案子的支持已经落后了8周, you may fill out a request for enforcement (see forms page) and send it to your Support Specialist at the 法庭之友. 然后,您的支持专家将确定您的案件是否符合执行条件. 如果案件符合条件,将召开和解会议,您将收到通知. 如果不符合条件, you will receive a call or a letter from your Support Specialist stating the reason enforcement cannot commence.



  • 即时收入扣缴: 1990年12月31日以后输入的支助订单必须提供即时收入扣缴. Income withholding tells the payer's employer or other source of income to withhold support and send it to the State Disbursement Unit. 除了当前的支持, 该通知还将指示费用和欠款金额被扣留和发送. The 法庭之友 may increase the amount to be collected for arrearage if a payer's arrearage increases.
  • 藐视法庭罪(出示因由)聆讯: 如果支持没有按时支付, the 法庭之友 or a party may begin a contempt action by filing a petition and scheduling a show cause hearing. An appointment will first be set with a Hearing Officer in the 法庭之友 Office to try and settle the case if possible before going before the Judge. 如果支付人没有到庭,法院会发出法庭手令拘捕他/她. 在听证会上或法庭上进行传讯, the payer may be sentenced to jail or Work Detail and usually is required to make a lump sum payment.
  • 所得税截缴: 如果支持过期, the 法庭之友 must represent an income tax intercept for the cases that qualify under the federal IV-D program.
    在这种情况下, a tax refund due to the payer of support is sent to the 法庭之友 and applied to past due support for minor children as required by law (support owed to the State of Michigan must be paid first).
  • 其他执法补救措施,包括吊销驾驶执照: 还存在其他几种强制补救措施. 欠费数额较大的,可以暂停支付人的驾驶证. 除了, 法庭之友可以留置支付人的不动产和个人财产, 然后把那笔财产转为抚养费.
  • 医疗执行: 执行医疗保险和未投保的医疗费用, 如您的支持订单中所述, 会由推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您法庭之友办公室的医疗小组来做吗. 这支队伍被称为医疗执法部. You may contact the Medical Enforcement Division by submitting your questions or requests in writing. More information and forms for medical enforcement are available in the second floor lobby of the 法庭之友 office and under the "Forms" section of this website.


The 法庭之友 Office will review child support orders once every 3 years upon written request.

  • 支持各方发起的修改行动: 一方当事人可以自己提出变更抚养令的申请. Petitions and instructions for changing support are located in the second floor lobby of the Friend of Court Office and under the "Forms" section of this website. 如果双方同意改变抚养令, 法庭之友会将该协议以命令的形式提交法官签署. 不管修改过程如何启动, parties will be expected to submit financial information and attend a referee hearing if no agreement can be reached on a new support amount.
  • 支持的非追溯性修改: 一旦子女抚养费被裁定,一般在到期和应付后不能更改. 如果你的财务状况发生了变化, 你应该立即提交一份请愿书来更改赡养费. 法院可以将赡养费调整回申请提出之日. Simply notifying the 法庭之友 of a change in either party's financial situation does not change the court order.



  • 孩子的抚养费
  • 配偶的支持
  • 医疗、牙科和其他保健费用
  • 月子费(指母亲与分娩有关的费用)
  • 支付托儿费用

与法院之友联络,要求执行. 你也可以联系律师开始执行行动.

不,除非你改变法庭命令. 如果您未能更改订单,您可能不会收到付款的信用.

No, The 法庭之友 must send to the state any child support payments made while you are on public assistance.

是的. 育儿时间和支持是法院命令的两个独立部分. Each has special enforcement procedures which must be used when that part of the order is disobeyed.

如果赡养支付者离开密歇根,而赡养支付者没有及时支付, 或者完全停止, 有法律保证支付. 现在每个州都有一部叫做“统一州际家庭支持法案”的法律。.“联合会协助各州处理当事人或收入来源在另一个州的情况. 它取代了其他州际儿童抚养法. 根据联合援助制度,只有一个国家有权建立或修改援助. 只有在满足某些条件的情况下,这项权利才能授予另一个国家. 1997年6月1日,UIFSA在密歇根州生效. UIFSA下的一些程序包括州际收入扣缴, 在另一个州登记执行命令, 并在另一州注册订单进行修改.

Payers of support are not eligible to receive retroactive child support waiver/credit for times they are incarcerated. 根据MCL 552.603(2),禁止追溯修改支持. 参见McLaughlin诉McLaughlin案, 关于监禁相关法规的解释,请参阅美国联邦法律第255卷第475(2003)条. 如果客户被监禁, he/she must advise the 法庭之友 of their incarceration in writing and request a zero support order while they are incarcerated. Failure to advise the 法庭之友  during the period of incarceration will result in child support continuing to charge. The 法庭之友 will not complete any requests to retroactively modify support for past dates of incarceration.